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회사 개요

회사 앨범

기본 정보

제품 용량

공장 정보

공장 규모
10,000-30,000 square meters
공장 국가/지역
Binh Duong area or Binh Dinh area
생산 라인 수
Above 10
계약 제조
OEM Service Offered, Design Service Offered
연간 출력 값
US$5 Million - US$10 Million

품질 관리

품질 관리 절차

AQL/ANSI Single sampling plans for level II inspection (normal severity)
What Does AQL Mean? AQL stands for 'Acceptance Quality Limit', and is defined as the 'quality level that is the worst tolerable' in ISO 2859-1.
AQL/ANSI Sample size code letters
i.e. 'lot size' is comprised between 3,201 pcs and 10,000 pcs, and that your inspection level is 'II'. Consequently, the code letter is 'L'.